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Atelier Gaëlle Constantini was created by Gaëlle Constantini in 2009.

Borned near Paris on July 25th, 1979, she studied business in the South of France where her father, sales manager at Nina Ricci moved.

Her mother, native of a small rural village of Spain, Las Nieves, will give her the passion of the nature, its respect and its importance.

Passionate about sewing she undertakes stylist's correspondence school in 2007 in Paris. 



Gaëlle won the Who's Next  young creators competition in September, 2010 which opens her the international business like US and Japan, she throw her first eco-fashion responsible line from the recycling of clothes.



Rich in her past experiences and specialist on recycling, Gaëlle offers up-cycling Masterclass in his Parisian Studio. She also collaborates in partnerships and cobranding namely with HetM, Diesel, Vide dressing, Adidas, Nike,  Eco Tlc, Fashion Revolution or also the Town Hall of Paris.



Today she sees bigger and she wants to show that her eco-project can extend in the whole world and that it is necessary to work to find a solution to the textile pollution and to its tons of waste, let's consume less and better !

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